
Format Overview

The format is a JSON-based encoding format, using the following informal schema. The exact details of each field are elaborated in the next section. All strings contain UTF-8 text.

  "schema_version": "string",
  "id": "string",
  "modified": "string",
  "published": "string",
  "withdrawn": "string",
  "aliases": [ "string" ],
  "cwe_ids": [ "string" ],
  "cwe_names": [ "string" ],
  "timeline": [ {
      "type": "string",
      "value": "string"
  "related": [ "string" ],
  "summary": "string",
  "details": "string",
  "severity": [ {
      "type": "string",
      "score": "string",
      "level": "string",
      "score_num": "string"
  "affected": [ {
      "package": {
        "ecosystem": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "purl": "string",
        "language": "string",
        "repository": "string",
        "introduced_commits": [ "string" ],
        "fixed_commits": [ "string" ],
        "home_page:": "string",
        "edition:": "string"
      "severity": [ {
          "type": "string",
          "score": "string",
          "level": "string",
          "score_num": "string"
      "ranges": [ {
          "type": "string",
          "repo": "string",
          "events": [ {
              "introduced": "string",
              "fixed": "string",
              "last_affected": "string",
              "limit": "string"
          "database_specific": { "see description": "" }
      "versions": [ "string" ],
      "ecosystem_specific": { "see description": "" },
      "database_specific": { "see description": "" }
  "patches_detail": [ {
      "patch_url": "string",
      "issue_url": "string",
      "main_language": "string",
      "author": "string",
      "commiter": "string",
      "branches": [ "string" ],
      "tags": [ "string" ]
  "contributors": [ {
      "org": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "email": "string",
      "contributions": "string"
  "confirm_type": "string",
  "references": [ {
      "type": "string",
      "url": "string"
  "credits": [ {
      "name": "string",
      "contact": [ "string" ],
      "type": "string"
  "database_specific": { "see description": "" }

Field Details

schema_version field

	"schema_version": "string"

The schema_version field is used to indicate which version of the COSV schema a particular vulnerability was exported with. This can help consumer applications decide how to import the data for their own systems and offer some protection against future breaking changes. The value should be a string matching the COSV schema version, which follows the SemVer 2.0.0 format, with no leading “v” prefix. If no value is specified, it should be assumed to be 1.0.0, matching version 1.0 of the COSV schema.

id, modified fields

  "id": "string",
  "modified": "string"

The id field is a unique identifier for the vulnerability entry.
It is a string of the format <DB>-<ENTRYID>, where DB names the database and ENTRYID is in the format used by the database. For example: “OSV-2020-111”, “CVE-2021-3114”, or “GHSA-vp9c-fpxx-744v”.

published field

	"published": "string"

The published field gives the time the entry should be considered to have been published, as an RFC3339-formatted time stamp in UTC (ending in “Z”).

withdrawn field

	"withdrawn": "string"

The withdrawn field gives the time the entry should be considered to have been withdrawn, as an RFC3339-formatted timestamp in UTC (ending in “Z”). If the field is missing, then the entry has not been withdrawn. Any rationale for why the vulnerability has been withdrawn should go into the summary text.

aliases field

	"aliases": [ "string" ]

The aliases field gives a list of IDs of the same vulnerability in other databases, in the form of the id field. This allows one database to claim that its own entry describes the same vulnerability as one or more entries in other databases.

Aliases should be considered symmetric and transitive.


	"cwe_ids": [ "string" ]

The public defect enumeration ID’s corresponding to the vulnerability type;


	"cwe_names": [ "string" ]

The public defect enumeration name corresponding to the vulnerability type;


The life cycle of the vulnerability itself, this should be distinguished from “published” or “withdrawn” which describes time points of this vulnerability entry not the vulnerability itself.

	"timeline": [ {
		"type": "string",
		"value": "string"
	} ]


The type of time point on the timeline, including but not limited to: “introduced”, “found”, “fixed”, “disclosed”; type of time point


The value of the point in time, in line with the timestamp of UTC an RFC3339-formatted time stamp in UTC (ending in “Z”), e.g. “2023-03-13T16:43Z”

  "related": [ "string" ]

The related field gives a list of IDs of closely related vulnerabilities, such as:

Related vulnerabilities are symmetric but not transitive.

summary, details fields

	"summary": "string",
	"details": "string"

The summary field gives a one-line, English textual summary of the vulnerability. It is recommended that this field be kept short, on the order of no more than 120 characters.

The details field gives additional English textual details about the vulnerability.

severity field

	"severity": [ {
		"type": "string",
		"score": "string",
		"level": "string",
		"score_num": "string"
	} ]

The severity field is a JSON array that allows generating systems to describe the severity of a vulnerability using one or more quantitative scoring methods. Each severity item is a JSON object specifying a type and score property, described below.

severity[].type field

The severity[].type property must be one of the types defined below, which describes the quantitative method used to calculate the associated score.

severity[].score field

The severity[].score property is a string representing the severity score based on the selected severity[].type, as described above.

severity[].level field

Enumeration levels corresponding to the current level of danger, such as low-risk, medium-risk, high-risk, and critical

severity[].score_num field

Gives the base score num, calculated based on severity[].score, the value and calculation rules are defined by severity[].type. e.g, for CVSS3 score, the value is between 0 and 10 with one decimal place.

affected fields

	"affected": [ {
		"package": {
			"ecosystem": "string",
			"name": "string",
			"purl": "string",
			"language": "string",
			"repository": "string",
			"introduced_commits": [ "string" ],
			"fixed_commits": [ "string" ],
			"home_page:": "string",
			"edition:": "string"
		"severity": [ {
			"type": "string",
			"score": "string",
			"level": "string",
			"score_num": "string"
		} ],
		"ranges": [ {
			"type": "string",
			"repo": "string",
			"events": [ {
				"introduced": "string",
				"fixed": "string",
				"last_affected": "string",
				"limit": "string"
			} ]
		} ],
		"versions": [ "string" ],
		"ecosystem_specific": { "see description" : "" },
		"database_specific": { "see description" : "" }
	} ]

The affected field is a JSON array containing objects that describes the affected package versions, meaning those that contain the vulnerability.

affected[].package field

The affected object’s package field is a JSON object identifying the affected code library or command provided by the package. The object itself has two required fields

affected[].severity field

The severity field is an optional element defined here. This severity field applies to a specific package, in cases where affected packages have differing severities for the same vulnerability. If any package level severity fields are set, the top level severity must not be set.

affected[].versions field

The affected object’s versions field is a JSON array of strings. Each string is a single affected version in whatever version syntax is used by the given package ecosystem.

affected[].ranges[] field

The affected object’s ranges field is a JSON array of objects describing the affected ranges of versions.

affected[].ranges[].type field

In the ranges field, the type field is required. It specifies the type of version range being recorded and defines the interpretation of the events object’s introduced, fixed, and any type-specific fields.

affected[].ranges[].events fields

The ranges object’s events field is a JSON array of objects. Each object describes a single version that either:

affected[].ranges[].repo field

The ranges object’s repo field is the URL of the package’s code repository. The value should be in a format that’s directly usable as an argument for the version control system’s clone command (e.g. git clone).

affected[].ranges[].database_specific field

The ranges object’s database_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the range from which the record was obtained.

affected[].ecosystem_specific field

The affected object’s ecosystem_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the vulnerability as defined by the ecosystem for which the record applies. The meaning of the values within the object is entirely defined by the ecosystem and beyond the scope of this document.

affected[].database_specific field

The affected object’s database_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the vulnerability as defined by the database from which the record was obtained. The meaning of the values within the object is entirely defined by the database and beyond the scope of this document.

patches_detail field

	"patches_detail": [ {
		"patch_url": "string",
		"issue_url": "string",
		"main_language": "string",
		"author": "string",
		"commiter": "string",
		"branches": [ "string" ],
		"tags": [ "string" ]
	} ]

The detail info of the fix patch of each vulnerability

patches_detail[].patch_url field

The URL of fix patch

patches_detail[].issue_url field

The URL of the issue

patches_detail[].main_language field

The main code language of this vulnerability

patches_detail[].author field

The author of the fix commit

patches_detail[].commiter field

The commiter of the fix commit

patches_detail[].branches field

The tag names of this fixing patch.

patches_detail[].tags field

The tag names of this fixing patch.

contributors field:

	"contributors": [ {
		"org": "string",
		"name": "string",
		"email": "string",
		"contributions": "string"
	} ]

This field used to specify those persons or organizations who made contributions to this vulnerability record.

contributors[].org field

The organization info of each contributor

contributors[].name field

The name of each contributor

contributors[].email field

The email address of each contributor

contributors[].contributions field

The description of the contributions each contributor has made.

confirm_type field

  "confirm_type": "string"

The confirmation type of this vulnerability record, value should be one of “manual_confirmed”, “algorithm_confirmed” or “double_confirmed”

references field

  "references": [ {
    "type": "string",
    "url": "string"
  } ]

The references field contains a list of JSON objects describing references. Each object has a string field type specifying the type of reference, and a string field url. The url is the fully-qualified URL (including the scheme, typically “https://”) linking to additional information, advisories, issue tracker entries, and so on about the vulnerability itself. The type specifies what kind of reference the URL is.

credits fields

	"credits": [ {
		"name": "string",
		"contact": [ "string" ],
		"type": "string"
	} ]

The credits field is a JSON array providing a way to give credit for the discovery, confirmation, patch, or other events in the life cycle of a vulnerability.

Each of the objects in the credits array must contain at minimum a name field specifying the name of the individual or entity being credited, using whatever notation they prefer. It can also optionally include a contact JSON array.

credits[].name field

credits[].name should specify the name, label, or other identifier of the individual or entity being credited, using whatever notation the creditor prefers.

credits[].contact[] field

Each credits[].contact[] entry should be a valid, fully qualified, plain-text URL at which the credited can be reached. Providing contacts is optional.

credits[].type field

The optional credits[].type field should specify the type or role of the individual or entity being credited.

database_specific field

The top-level database_specific field is a JSON object holding additional information about the vulnerability as defined by the database from which the record was obtained.

Unlike the affected[].database_specific field which is specific to each affected product, this top-level field allows aggregator databases to add custom data that they considered applicable to the whole vulnerability.

Note that this is a single field with key database_specific, which itself contains a JSON object with unspecified fields.