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fun interface CompilerCommandParser

Parses a CompilationCommand in a compiler-specific way.

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data class ParsedCompilerCommand(val projectRoot: Path, val directory: EnvPath, val file: EnvPath, val compiler: EnvPath, val language: Language, val languageStandard: String?, val standardIncludePaths: Set<StandardIncludePaths>, val includePaths: Map<String, List<EnvPath>>, val definedMacros: Map<String, String>, val undefinedMacros: List<String>, val arguments: ParsedArgs, val ignoredArguments: ParsedArgs, val parseErrors: List<String> = emptyList())

The result of parsing a CompilationCommand with a CompilerCommandParser

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Standard include paths (those which don't need to be explicitly requested via -I). These include paths may be both language- and compiler-dependent.